Other Areas of Practice
- Acting for both sellers and purchasers in residential house conveyancing matters.
- Acting for sellers and purchasers in the purchase of units.
- Acting for sellers and purchasers in the purchase of commercial properties.
Wills & Estates
- Wills.
- Testamentary Trusts
- Enduring Powers of Attorney.
- Advanced Health Directives.
- Binding Death Benefit Nominations.
- Grants of Probate and Letters of administration and other estae administration.
Commercial Litigation
- Representation in all commercial disputes including mediations, trial preparation, trials and appeals in all jurisdictions including the High Court of Australia.
- Representation on behalf of corporations and individuals in trade practice matters including deceptive and misleading conduct and abuse of market share.
- Representations on behalf of Landlords to remove Tenants and to recover rental arrears.
- Applications to court to wind up companies and for appoinments of Statutory Trustee.
- Representation on behalf of corporations and individuals in building disputes.
- Appearances as an advocate in cases in the Magistrate, District and Supreme Court.
- Appearances in the Industrial Relations Commission.
- Appearances in the Human Rights Commission.
- Appearances in the Australian Crime Commission and other quasi- judicial arenas.
Commercial Law
- Advice in leasing matters.
- Preparation of leases.
- Advice in respect of partnerships.
- Preparation of partnership agreements.
- Advice to clients in respect to agreements for sale of personal property, chattels, and businesses.
- Advice in respect to business structures.
- Advice in respect to trusts.
- Advice in respect to building contracts.
- Advice in respect to building disputes.
- Advice in respect of insolvency.
- Appearances at and conduct of creditors meetings.
- Advice to directors in respect of their duties and liabilities.
- Drug offences.
- Armed Robbery.
- Break and enter.
- Assault offences.
- Sexual offences.
- Tax offences.
- Nuisance offences.
- Stealing offences.
- Traffic matters.
- Drink driving offences.
- Work licenses and other licensing matters.
- Legally aided matters
Family Law
- Divorce.
- Spousal Maintenance.
- Binding financial agreements for married and de facto couples.
- Married and De facto property settlement.
- Division of Assets.
- Superannuation splits.
- Family companies and trusts.
- Partnerships.
- Business relationships.
- Children.
- Living Arrangements.
- Child Support.
- Time spent with parents.
- Time spent with grandparents and other relatives.
Employment Law
- Advice to both corporations and individuals in respect to Workplace Health and Safety issues.
- Advice to employers in respect of disciplinary matters and terminating employment.
- Advice to employees in respect to wrongful dismissal.
- Advice to individuals and in respect to sexual harassment.
- Pursuing matters in the Human Rights Commission.
- Attending conferences with employees and employers to resolve matters in respect of employment.
General Insurance
- Advice to clients in respect to insurance contract matters.
- Advice to clients in respect to property damage together with insurance ramifications.
- Advice to individuals and corporations in respect of duties of good faith and insurance fraud.